Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Second Chances for Sex Trafficking Victims

Elizabeth Hovde, Sunday columnist for the Oregonian, recently authored the above titled column about the need for more enlightened perspective re H.T. victims who have retaliated against their pimps. She cites the case of Sara Kruzan from California who shot and killed her pimp after several years of sexual slavery. She soon will be free, finally at age 35 to reclaim her life outside of prison walls. Hovde also discusses the case of Portland resident “Annette” who set her pimp on fire. She served time for this act and has gone on to be a contributing member of society. 

Hovde makes the case that our justice system needs to carefully consider its priorities and emphasize rehabilitation and a second chance for those who retaliated against their captors. She makes the case that we need to support those women who work to redeem themselves as Kruzan and “Annette” have. We need to give such cases a second look and decriminalize them. She closes the article by stating “ Let’s make sure we have their backs”

Richard Lazere, Ph.D. on behalf of East Portland Rotary Human Trafficking Committee