Janus Youth Program, Reception Center (Harry’s Mother): Law enforcement will immediately transport youth to Harry’s Mother for triage and shelter services. Youth may access Harry’s Mother themselves. Staff can assist in crisis planning for youth, and are familiar with CSEC. Harry’s Mother is located at 738 NE Davis Street Portland, OR 97232 or call (503) 233-8111.
LifeWorks, NW: Referring people under 18 years old - Intensive Community Based Treatment Services
(ICTS ) workers are specifically
trained in working with CSEC victims. ICTS
provides urgent/immediate mental health assessments as well as ongoing
counseling, psychiatric referral, skill building and case management services.
Call 503-710-1513 – during business hours or the after hours phone 971-563-8522
or go to Website: www.lifeworksnw.org
LifeWorks, NW - New Options for Women (NOW) - To refer adults
who are currently being prostituted call Carey Cogswell at 503-761-5272
FBI: Investigates federal
cases of CSEC involving victims under the age of 18 years old. Main
office number 503-224-4181
Multnomah County Sheriffs Office: Use this information
to report instances of human trafficking of international victims. Deputy Keith Bickford, Oregon Human
Trafficking Task Force – 503-251-2479 – keith.bickford@mcso.us
Portland Police Bureau (PPB): Investigates local
cases of CSEC involving victims under the age of 18 years old. Human Trafficking Unit - Sgt. Mike
Geiger (503)823-0690 -mike.geiger@portlandoregon.gov
Department of Human Services: CSEC
Unit: This unit
works with families/youth who are sexually exploited or are victims of
human trafficking. Jamie Broadbent, CSEC Supervisor: 503-872-6990.
Child Abuse Hotline-503-731-3100 To
make a report. Contact Stacy Bellevia if you have questions about making a
report, previous report, cross report, etc.
The information able was provided by Multnomah County Department of Community Justice.
Please contact joslyn.r.baker@multco.us
or 503-988-4755 with corrections/updates. Please visit their website at web.multco.us/csec