A recent study by Arizona State University of men who
solicit prostitution online was published in The Daily Oregonian. This study
suggested that some 31,282 Portland men, 3.7 percent of the adult male
population in this area had made online contact to purchase sex from “escort
services” posted on such sites as www.backpage.com.
The researchers posted decoy ads in the 15 American cities that were studied in
this research paper. The title of this study is “Invisible Offenders” : A Study
Estimating Online Sex Customers.”
Portland ranked in the middle of the distribution of men
soliciting sex on the internet of the cities included in the study.
Portland men were especially persistent and continued to
pursue sexual services even after the decoy ads were removed. Fridays were a
popular time for men trolling for sex online, likely due to paydays on Friday.
The average number of ads posted on the sex sites was 145.5 providing ample
opportunity for Johns to purchase sexual service.
The import of this study is to document the reality that
many men are attempting to purchase sex online in addition to trolling for sex
on the streets. Any effective remedy for prostitution of young girls will need
to include a response to the online sale of sexual services.
Richard Lazere on behalf of The East Portland Rotary Human
Trafficking Committee