“Women in The World” recently shared the story of Sophie
Hayes (pseudonym) who was trapped in the web of sex trafficking by a boyfriend
she had known for several years. She tells the story of her boyfriend inviting
her to visit him in Italy. Once there she experienced this man whom she had
learned to trust turned into a monster who threatened her with violence and
death if she did not obey. She talks of the intimidation visited on her by her
pimp/boyfriend who terrorized her into bondage. Sophie’s passport was taken
from her and she was beaten daily.
The author suggests that this year 700,000 to four million
women and children will be forced into sexual slavery. Sophie now works with
survivors to try and help them to reclaim their future.
Sophie Hayes is the author of Trafficked: My Story of Surviving, Escaping and Transcending Abduction
into Prostitution. She has her own foundation which can be referenced at www.sophiehayesfoundation.org
Richard Lazere on behalf of East Portland Rotary Human
Trafficking Committee