Recently a 22 year old photo journalist in the Indian City
of Mumbai was accosted and gang raped by five young men. She was attacked at an
abandoned textile mill where she was on a photo assignment with a male colleague.
The young woman, an intern with a Mumbai based English magazine, was at The Shakti Mills for a photo shoot
when the attack occurred.
Her male colleague was beaten during the attack. The female
victim was hospitalized after the incident with multiple injuries but has a
strong spirit and was eager to get to back to work. In the few days subsequent
to the attack all five assailants were arrested and jailed. This incident
follows on the heels of the gang rape of a 23 year old student who was on a bus
in the capital of Delhi. This young woman subsequently died of her injuries.
This most recent case has renewed widespread public outrage following national
demonstrations which occurred last December following the death of the young
woman assaulted and mortally wounded on the bus.
This gang rape and so many other instances of abuse of women
represents a cultural disease which needs to be addressed. Women all over the
world have been marginalized and subordinated for too long. When we diminish
the humanity of an individual, it is easy for us to turn them into a target.
People of good conscience need to continue to work to elevate women to equal
status as fellow human beings in society worldwide. We cannot afford morally
and economically to minimize half of the population as everyone loses when this
continues to happen.
We need to teach young men to respect girls and women and
not view them as sexual toys and targets for forced sexual experience.
Aggression against women hurts everyone and is a cancer on society. Violence
against women needs to be reduced and eliminated by an ongoing campaign to
advance and protect the human rights of all citizens regardless of gender. We
need to work harder to raise young people who are ethical, caring and possessed
of strong conscience. It is our only and best hope.
Richard Lazere, on behalf of East Portland Rotary Human
Trafficking Task Force